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Class Times

Tuesday At High Cross Village Hall
9:15am - Intermediate

10:15am - Mixed Ability

Thursday At Thundridge Village Hall
9:15am - Intermediate
10:15am - Functional Mixed Ability


Class Details

9:15am classes

Intermediate level. A flowing class transitioning between exercises to improve strength, stamina and flexibility. If you are unsure which class is right for you, please get in touch to arrange a free trial. I would love to hear from you. 



Mixed Ability Level. A class suitable for people who have never tried pilates before, or those who wish to go over the basics of breathing, alignment and correct engagement of the pelvic floor. This class has a relaxed and friendly feel where we work on strengthening and lengthening our bodies and we keep it light-hearted!

Payment Details

Pre-registration is required. The cost of classes is £12 per session payable by monthly direct debit.

Calendar 2024

Full year global calendar 2024.png

Note: Blue days are Tuesdays or Thursdays without classes

Useful Info

Both halls have parking onsite.


I have all my own mats, head cushions and small equipment. However, I completely understand if you want to bring your own mat or towel to place over the head cushions. You can place your mat over the top of mine if you wish to have a more padded surface.


Wear something you can move easily in, the closer fitting the better as it enables me to check your alignment more easily. Please wear socks for the class.

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